
Colchester & District Model Railway Exhibition

27/10/2019 - 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Please Note: This is an old event.

Entry Fees

Adult: £5.00

Child: £2.00

Family: £12.00

Layouts Attending

Stoke by Nayland

Abbey Street


Ambleton Vale


The Glyn Valley Tramway

Cross Ness


The Ashurst Brickworks Light Railway

Ipswich South Bank

Long Melford

Ruffles Road


St Katheryn Dock

Bergholt Junction

Traders Attending

Man Kim

John Dutfield

B.H. Enterprises

Joe Lock

Coastal DCC

Orwell Model Railways

Railway Memories

Layouts 4u

Make Your Mark

Malcolm Root

Sudbury Model Railways

Poppy's Woodtech

Great Eastern Transport Films

Ipswich Goods Junction

Contact Details

Contact: Director (Paul Evans)

Website: www.colchestermrc.org

Email Address: View Email Address

Telephone: 01376 570 156

Colchester County High School For Girls
Norman Way

This event is being organised by Colchester & District Model Railway Club

Steam Railway MagazineModel Railway Merchandise

All of the information available on the www.ModelRailwayClubs.co.uk website is available freely online or provided directly by the clubs. Whilst we make every effort to ensure the information is accurate and up to date, www.ModelRailwayClubs.co.uk makes no guarantee about the validity of the information provided. You should always contact a club before attempting to visit to avoid disappointment. Club members can provide updated information here.