Rugby American Narrow Gauge Modeller's Meet

12/05/2019 - 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Please Note: This is an old event.

The Slim Gauge Circle is a group of modellers interested in American Narrow Gauge prototypes in the popular scales of H0n2.5, H0n3, Sn3, 0n2, 0n30, 0n3, Fn3 etc. Interested guests are welcome for a nominal charge which will be credited towards their membership subscription if they subsequently decide to join the Circle.

Contact Details

Contact: Ian Campbell (Secretary)


Email Address: View Email Address

L.M.R. Association Club
Hillmorton Road
CV22 5AL

This event is being organised by Slim Gauge Circle

Model Railway MerchandiseSteam Railway Magazine

All of the information available on the website is available freely online or provided directly by the clubs. Whilst we make every effort to ensure the information is accurate and up to date, makes no guarantee about the validity of the information provided. You should always contact a club before attempting to visit to avoid disappointment. Club members can provide updated information here.