Leamington and Warwick Model Railway Exhibition

02/03/2019 - 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM and 03/03/2019 - 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Please Note: This is an old event.

Entry Fees

Adult: £8.00

Child: £2.00

Family: £18.00

Layouts Attending

Abbotsford 2mm Scale, N Gauge

Aber Emlyn 7mm Scale O Gauge

Bear Creek 2mm Scale, N Gauge

Bishops Quay 4mm Scale, OO Gauge

Caroline Castle 2mm Scale 6.5mm Narrow Gauge

Castle Works 1:25 Scale, 16.5mm Narrow Gauge

Chelma Canyon 7mm Scale, On30 Narrow Gauge

Chippenham Junction 2mm N Gauge

Dioramas in A Variety of Scales and Gauges by Phil Parker

El Cremallera 2mm Scale, 6.5mm Gauge

Harlyn Pier 7mm Scale O Gauge

Haversham Central 2mm Scale, N Gauge

Hogsmead For Sodor Thomas

James Street 2mm Scale, N Gauge

Kimble 7mm Scale O Gauge

Klinkerhofen 7mm Scale O Gauge

Market Bosworth 4mm Scale, P4 Gauge Work in Progress

Old Oak 4mm Scale, OO 9 Gauge

Pyn Valley Railway 7mm Scale, Narrow Gauge

Ryders Green Wharf 4mm Scale, OO 9 Gauge

Sheep Pasture 4mm Scale, P4 Gauge

Shelvington and Rydes Hill 4mm Scale, P4 Gauge

South Walton 2mm Scale, N Gauge

Trowland 1:64 Scale, S Gauge

Weleaton 16mm Scale Narrow Gauge

Wyken Yard 7mm Scale O Gauge

Traders Attending

Abc Model Railways

Adm Turntables

Bill Hudson Transport Books

Cheltenham Model Centre

Classic Train & Motor Bus

DCC Supplies

Eileen's Emporium

Finishing Touches

Freestone Model Accessories

Grainge & Hodder


Jb's Model World

John Sutton Models

Kitmaster Collectors Club

Kytes Lights

London Road Models

Lwmrs 2nd Hand Stall

Metropolis Vintage Toys

Model Railway Developments

Nick Tozer Railway Books

Online Models

Plus Daughters

R D Whyborn

Rail Image Collection

Railroom Electronics

Railway Memorabilia Shop

Roger Carpenter Photographs

Severn Models

Skytrex (2013) Ltd (Sunday Only)

Starlight Models

Tony's Trains

Wrenn Specialist

Contact Details

Contact: Ian Spalding (Secretary)

Website: www.lwmrs.co.uk

Leamington Spa College
Warwick New Road
Leamington Spa
CV32 5J

Social Media Sites

Leamington and Warwick Model Railway Exhibition has the following social media sites:

This event is being organised by Leamington and Warwick Model Railway Society

Steam Railway MagazineModel Railway Merchandise

All of the information available on the www.ModelRailwayClubs.co.uk website is available freely online or provided directly by the clubs. Whilst we make every effort to ensure the information is accurate and up to date, www.ModelRailwayClubs.co.uk makes no guarantee about the validity of the information provided. You should always contact a club before attempting to visit to avoid disappointment. Club members can provide updated information here.