Hull Miniature Railway Society Summer Show

08/06/2019 - 10:30 AM to 4:00 PM

Please Note: This is an old event.

Entry Fees

Adult: £2.50

Child: £1.00

Layouts Attending

Aldergrove: 2mm/ft 'N' (Martin Austin) BR Diesel - layouts debut.

Basin Street: 4mm/ft '00' (Bridlingtom MRS) Leeds in Late 1940s.

Bodelva Road: 4mm/ft '00' (Steve Routledge) Cornwall early to mid 1960s.

Boston Frodsham: 4mm/ft 'S4' (Mike Knowles) BR Blue Era in South Lincolnshire.

Chester Road: 4mm/ft '00' (Robert Denton) British Rail depicted.

Cressington Light Railway: 4mm/ft '009' (Peter Leadley) Present day narrow gauge somewhere in England.

Driffield: 4mm/ft '00' (Hull MRS) BR 60s/70s East Yorkshire.

Duncrieve Fuelling Point: 4mm/ft 'EM' (Adrian Walby) Scotland circa 2000s.

East End: 7mm/ft '0' (Hull MRS) Derbyshire 1930s/40s.

Hoglington: 2mm/ft 'N' (Ray Hogben) East Coast of England 1960s.

Hornsea New Town: 4mm/ft '00' (John Robinson) East Yorks 1990s.

Hornby Doublo 3 rail: 4mm/ft '00' (Hull MRS) Childhood Memories.

Un-named: 3mm/ft FS (East Yorks 3mm Society).

Traders Attending

Caistor Loco: All your model railway needs from a full set to a track pin.

CM3M Models: Specialist electrical and modelling products.

Hull MRS Second Hand Sales: The Society's sales stand has a large variety of second hand model railway and other items being sold by members.

Odbitz: Second hand books and selected scenic material.

Contact Details

Contact: Stuart Carr (Secretary)


Email Address: View Email Address

Telephone: 01482 573 338

Walton Street Leisure Centre
Goathland Close
Off Walton Street

Social Media Sites

Hull Miniature Railway Society Summer Show has the following social media sites:

This event is being organised by Hull Miniature Railway Society

Model Railway MerchandiseHornby

All of the information available on the website is available freely online or provided directly by the clubs. Whilst we make every effort to ensure the information is accurate and up to date, makes no guarantee about the validity of the information provided. You should always contact a club before attempting to visit to avoid disappointment. Club members can provide updated information here.