Royston & District Model Railway Exhibition

17/11/2018 - 10:15 AM to 4:30 PM

Please Note: This is an old event.

Entry Fees

Adult: £5.00

Family: £10.00

Layouts Attending

Addison Park 3mm London Transport 1950s

Arrowmouth OO WCML; 1963/68

Battlefield Estate O16.5 Industrial; 1920s

Ben Moor Foot 7mm(Ng) North Lincs C1900

Billiton Goods 3mm LNWR/LMS

Blackmoor Road Oo/4mm

Cato Pass OO 'futuristic'

Chica, Illinois HO Rock Island Lines

City Basin Goods N BR(W)

Dukes Mine OO9

East Beckton 4mm/em LT&SR Pre-Grouping

East Quay 4mm/p4 GWR Cornwall

Elboe N

Eu(Le Treport)depot O-1/43 French 1950s SNCF

Kensal Green OO

Klapping HO Austrian Obb

Les Trains De Grand Pere 'o'hornby 3-Rail(1930's-1960's)

Lochty Lane 7mm

Maristow O (Fine) GWR

Portpatrick Town N

Printers Quay OO9

Quilpie HOn3o Queensland Sugar Cane

Red Hook Bay HO America 1940s

Thunder Mountain N North American

Wendsleydale O16.5 Fun Layout

White Cross Green OO BR Green/blue Southern

Traders Attending

12 Volts DC

Battle of Britain Soc.

Bob Pearman Books

B & E Models

Hoddesdon MRC

Janet Bull - Railway Artist

Joe Lock

John Dutfield

John's Model Railways


Keith’s Model Railways

Nine Elmes

Poppy’s Wood Tech

Starlight Models

Contact Details

Contact: Tony Clarke (Chairman)


Email Address: View Email Address

Telephone: 01763 241805

Bassingbourn Village College
South End

This event is being organised by Royston & District Model Railway Club

Model Railway MerchandiseHornby

All of the information available on the website is available freely online or provided directly by the clubs. Whilst we make every effort to ensure the information is accurate and up to date, makes no guarantee about the validity of the information provided. You should always contact a club before attempting to visit to avoid disappointment. Club members can provide updated information here.