Norfolk & Suffolk Narrow Gauge Modellers 4th Open Day

03/03/2018 - 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Please Note: This is an old event.

There will be thirteen narrow gauge model railways in various scales on show.

There will be three rooms being used but I'm afraid the third smaller room is not accessible to wheelchair users.

The 009 Society Sales stand will be attending.

There is no parking at the hall other than disabled, please use nearby local public car park (behind the library and near to the Roys Store) signposted just up from the hall on opposite side of road.

Light refreshments available.

Entry Fees

Adults £3.00

Accompanied under 16's Free.

Layouts Attending


Yellow Ridge Mine - Gn15 - Nick Wright

Butley Quay - 009 - Peter Rednall

Ben Moor Foot Peat Railway - O.16.5 - Graham Morfoot

Meanderbahn - Hoe - Brian Meldon

Royston Wharf - 009 - Royston & District MRC

Castle Quay - 009 - Chris O'Donoghue

Longstone - Gn15 - Graham Watling

La Garita Hills Railroad - On30 - Alan Harper Bourne

Cilffyrdd Corris - 009 - Stuart Hughes

Arendt Spitze 2 - O.16.5 - James Corsi

Newlands Farm - Gn15 - Barry Weston

Wood Bay - 009 - John Helsby

Old Chapel Yard - 009 - Jim Bamber

The N&SNGM group will be having the final of their challenge with winner announced during the afternoon.

Alan Fuller will be doing modelling demonstrations

Traders Attending

The N&SNGM group will be having the final of their challenge with winner announced during the afternoon.

Alan Fuller will be doing modelling demonstrations

Trade & Societies:

Narrow Planet

Bure Valley Railway & BVR Model Shop

James Corsi 7mm sales

Southwold Railway Trust

Norfolk Heath Works

Contact Details

Contact: Richard Doe (Secretary)


Email Address: View Email Address

Telephone: 01502 471760

Blyburgate Hall (former St John Ambulance Hall) .
NR34 9TF

This event is being organised by Norfolk & Suffolk Narrow Gauge Modellers

English Heritage MembershipSteam Railway Magazine

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