Trains at Trinity

09/06/2018 - 10:30 AM to 4:00 PM

Please Note: This is an old event.

Entry Fees

Adult: £4.00

Child: Free

Layouts Attending

- Barental - HO Alpine Themed Layout

- War and Peace - Military Themed Trains

- Rue Sidi Brahim - HO French Layout

- Battery Trains from Around Europe - Display

- Alban Rail - G Scale Demo Outside

- Minic Motorways + Triang Railway 00 Layout

- the Route of the Flying Scotsman Display

- Yokohama N Gauge Japanese Theme

- Vintage 0 Gauge Display Incl Leeds Model Co

- Whitehall - Hornby Dublo

- Elmwood Quay TBC

- Watts' Yawzes Mine - Gn15 1/24th

- Have A Go - With the Milton Keynes MRC N Layout

- Stratfield - T Gauge - in A Guitar Case?

- Midsummer End - N Gauge

- SandMarch - N Gauge

- Walmington Pier & Exchange - OO9

- the Brick - 00 MPD Layout

Traders Attending

Elaine's Trains - Pre-Owned Model Railway Items Particularly Triang & Horby With A Splash of Continental HO

Model Trams & Roadways - Mervyn Askew Offers Diecast Model Vehicles, Scenics and Accessories

Albanrail the Garden Railway Specialists of Redborne With A Demonstration 'G' (Garden Scale) Layout in the Car Park Plus Items For Sale

Bazzastracks - Mainly 00 Pre-Owned Items

John's Model Railways - Provide Materials For Diy Structure and Backscene

Contact Details

Contact: Andy Buckley

Email Address: View Email Address

Trinity Methodist Church
Shortmead Street
SG18 0AP

English Heritage MembershipHornby

All of the information available on the website is available freely online or provided directly by the clubs. Whilst we make every effort to ensure the information is accurate and up to date, makes no guarantee about the validity of the information provided. You should always contact a club before attempting to visit to avoid disappointment. Club members can provide updated information here.