Arundel Model Railway Show

16/06/2018 - 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Please Note: This is an old event.

Entry Fees

Adult: £5.00

Child: £2.00

Family: £12.00

Layouts Attending

Delta Dock OO (4mm)

Bluecircle OO (4mm)

Strathmore Lip OO (4mm)

San Maria Gandia Oo/009 (4mm+3mm)

Kunze Brucke HO (3.5mm)

Drew Iowa HO (3.5mm)

Ropley N (2mm)

Halden Lane OO (4mm)

Nictun Borrud OO (4mm)

Nictun 2k OO (4mm)

Lakeside HO (3.5mm)

Welney OO (4mm)

Ashurst RD OO (4mm)

Sillean N (2mm)

Carrow Lane N (2mm)

Telephone: 07595 255 150

Arundel Cathedral Centre
London Road
BN18 9AY

Model Railway MerchandiseSteam Railway Magazine

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