West Sussex N Gauge Society Model Railway Show & A.G.M

28/07/2018 - 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Please Note: This is an old event.

Entry Fees

Adult: £3.00

Child: £1.00

Layouts Attending

Battledown - Horsham Area Group

(Southern Region Layout)

Molinnis - Cambs & Northants Area Group

(Cornwall - Present Day)

Edelweiss - Kevin Player West Sussex N Gauge MRC

(A Taste of Switzerland)

Nicksdorf & Sonderfelt - Nick Penfold West

(Preserved German Line) Sussex N Gauge MRC

Epton Bridge - Mike Walker Horsham MRC

(Freelance Heritage)

Midsummer End - Steven Hughes

(1940's Great Western)

Oakley - Uckfield MRC

(Late 60's Early 70's Preserved)

Lyme Regis - Phil Lovesay West Sussex Area Group

(Lyme Regis & Cannington Viaduct 1950's)

Hilldale - John Weller West Sussex N Gauge MRC

(Freelance British Modern Scene)

Wherever You Want - Keith Tucker West Sussex Area

(British Freelance) Group

Atlantic Road - Malcolm Pocknell Crawley MRC

(South West London Summer of 1998)

Richester - Richard Hance West Sussex N MRC

(South Downs Fictional DCC Layout)

Mindelheim Junction - Sean Selley-West

(Preservation Steam Layout)

Wessex Area Group Modular Layout

West Sussex Area Group Modular Layout

Traders Attending


Plus Daughters

BH Enterprises

West Sussex N Gauge MRC Shop

Electra Railway Graphics (Adam Warr)

Contact Details

Contact: Roger Miller (Secretary)

Website: www.wsng.co.uk

Email Address: View Email Address

The Forest School
Compton's Lane
RH13 5NT

Social Media Sites

West Sussex N Gauge Society Model Railway Show & A.G.M has the following social media sites:

This event is being organised by West Sussex 'N' Gauge Model Railway Club

Steam Railway MagazineHornby

All of the information available on the www.ModelRailwayClubs.co.uk website is available freely online or provided directly by the clubs. Whilst we make every effort to ensure the information is accurate and up to date, www.ModelRailwayClubs.co.uk makes no guarantee about the validity of the information provided. You should always contact a club before attempting to visit to avoid disappointment. Club members can provide updated information here.