Thirsk and District Model Railway Exhibition

29/07/2018 - 10:30 AM to 4:30 PM

Please Note: This is an old event.

Entry Fees

Adult: £4.00

Child: £2.00

Family: £10.00

Layouts Attending

Culm Valley - EM - British

High Stamley - OO9 - Quarry Railway

Junction City - HO - American

Duncrivie Fueling Point - EM - British

Neuburg 1913 - HOm - Switzerland

Livathia - - - Tba

Ethel Halt - O - British

Fiddle Street Yard - OO - Tba

Tanpit Lane - EM - British

Candleford - O16.5 - Tba

Hollym Gate - OO - British

Emley Lane - OO - British

Traders Attending

Going Loco

Country Scenes and Trees

Milnsbridge Models

The Bookhouse


Sales Table - Malcolm Loukes

Contact Details

Contact: Peter (Chairman)


Email Address: View Email Address

Telephone: 01609 773330

Thirsk Town Hall,

This event is being organised by Thirsk & District Model Railway Group

Model Railway MerchandiseSteam Railway Magazine

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