Robert Barclay Academy Model Railway Exhibition

14/07/2018 - 10:30 AM to 4:30 PM

Please Note: This is an old event.

Entry Fees

Adult: £4.50

Family: £12.00

Layouts Attending

Buntingford N Gauge

Hayling Island N Gauge

Niederfell Mosel N Gauge

Torrecastle Viaduct N Gauge

Bay City Terminal Railroad HO Gauge

Dobris HO Gauge

On Picasso Lines HO Gauge

St Denzil Road HO Gauge

Terminus All Change OO Gauge Tram

Belmont Road OO Gauge

Cottleston OO Gauge

Earls Court OO Gauge

Fenmoor Shed OO Gauge

Passage Lane TMD OO Gauge

Whitedown Motive Power Depot OO Gauge

Holly Park Hornby Dublo 3 Rail

Mossdale Hornby Dublo 2 Rail

Tri-Ang Suburbia

Docklands O Gauge

Eastend Scrap G Scale

Lego Layout

Traders Attending

Bob Pearman Books

Jbs Modelworld

Joe Lock Model Railways (Secondhand)

John Dutfield (New)

Make Your Mark Models

Model Baseboards

Model Scenery Supplies

Peter Cowan Books

Email Address: View Email Address

Telephone: 07866 641 215

Robert Barclay Academy
Cock Lane
EN11 8JY

English Heritage MembershipSteam Railway Magazine

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