De Havilland Model Railway Exhibition

21/04/2018 - 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Please Note: This is an old event.

Two floors of exhibits all accessible to those with limited mobility. Over a dozen layouts in a variety of gauges.

Our famous club layout Havil Junction will be running together with Shabbey Road our infamous Underground Ernie layout for children and adults.The exhibition is supported by local traders and societies, free parking and refreshments available.

Parking : Free street and nearby shopper car parking

Refreshments : Will be available in the hall or there are a number of take-out

Food shops across the road.

Disabled Access : A lift for wheelchair users and those of limited walking ability

Is available to access the first floor, please ask our stewards if you wish to use it.

Entry Fees

Adults: £5.00

Child: £2.00

Layouts Attending

Havil Junction - 00

Mosquito Falls - 0n30

Shabbey Road - 00

Dentdale - N

Mill Falls - HO

Aldermouth - 0

Gas Lane - 00

Yellow Ridge Mine - Gn15

Notso - Hornby Dublo 3 Rail

Addison Park - 3mm

Picasso - HO

Mulldale - 0

Simply Narrow Gauge - 0n30

List of Other Displays :

UK Railtours - Britain's Favourite Rail Tour

Traders Attending

Albanrail (G Gauge)

Joe Lock (2nd Hand)

John Dutfield (Most Gauges RTR, Kits and Components)

ST Albans Branch - Locomotive Club Great Britain

Hitchin Branch - Railway Correspondence & Travel Society

Peter Cowan Books

Kevins Trains

DHMRS Club Stand

Contact Details

Contact: Phil Bicknell (Exhibition manager)


Email Address: View Email Address

Telephone: 01707 267541

Methodist Church
Ludwick Way
Welwyn Garden City

Social Media Sites

De Havilland Model Railway Exhibition has the following social media sites:

This event is being organised by De Havilland Model Railway Society

English Heritage MembershipModel Railway Merchandise

All of the information available on the website is available freely online or provided directly by the clubs. Whilst we make every effort to ensure the information is accurate and up to date, makes no guarantee about the validity of the information provided. You should always contact a club before attempting to visit to avoid disappointment. Club members can provide updated information here.